Sonoran Bloom Nopalea : a newfound cure for unhealthy world
Nopalea ("No-pah lay' uh") is a nutritional product - in a form of a tasty superfruit, nutrient-rich drink sourced from the fruit of the Nopal cactus (Opuntia) or also known as Nopales (from the Nahuatl word nõchtli for the fruit) or paddle cactus - designed to help your body neutralize harmful, inner toxins surrounding your body's cells and reduce its inflammation to bring optimal cellular health. This remarkable healing plant thrives in the Sonoran Desert of the Southwestern U.S. and Mexico - the most extreme desert in the world, it was this desert that gave the world Nopalea. In fact, the Sonoran Desert is the second largest ecosystem on the planet, with a scope of plant and animal species rivaled only by the tropical Rainforest. Right within Arizona backyard in the Sonoran Desert there are native plants that offer abundant medical properties which beneficial to human body, among these ancient plants, Nopal cactus is one of only handful plants that has remarkable range of medical ingredients, its fruit (the Nopal fruit) has been devoured by the indigenous people as part of their daily diet, this helps explain why they flourished with a long lifespan and vibrant good health.
The fruit of the Nopal cactus is an important part in Mexican cuisine, used in dishes such as huevos con nopales (eggs with nopal), carne con nopales (meat with nopal) or tacos de nopales. The most common Nopal cactus species used in nearly all culinary is Indian Fig Opuntia (Opuntia ficus-indica), the term "prickly pear" refers to this species, Prickly Pears are particularly common in their native Mexico. Nopales are also recognized as a primary ingredient in New Mexican cuisine, and are gaining popularity elsewhere in the U.S.. Other than being used for traditional food, the vivid fruit of the Nopal cactus is also highly beneficial for healing, the fruit contains rare, powerful class of natural antioxidants called Betalains (bay ´ta lins), it has the highest level of Betalain antioxidants betanin and indicaxanthin, these Betalains have powerful anti-inflammatory properties that are crucial to detoxify harmful toxins around our body's cells and promote a healthy outlook of the cells.
Each 32-ounce bottle of Nopalea brims with the health benefits of the Nopal fruit for anti-inflammation, anti-premature aging and more, in a proprietary blend of rare, potent Betalain antioxidants. The average U.S. or Canadian diet is typically devoid of Betalains, the main reason for this deficiency is because Betalains are found only in a few of the world's plants (for example Nopal cactus, beets and Swiss chard), and among these plants, the Nopal cactus fruit (specifically in Prickly Pears) contains the highest level of Betalain antioxidants that has all known 24 types of Betalain.
Inflammation : the root of all diseases ? It could be causing damage to your body right now !
In today's environment whether you live in large city or suburb, every day brings new waves of viruses, bacterias, toxins, chemicals and pollutants that come into contact with your body from the air you breathe, the water you drink, the foods you eat and even the things you touch.
There are lots of undesirable health conditions that cause pain and sickness to millions of people around the world such as high blood pressure, hay fever, depression, diabetes, arthritis and so much more of which these are a direct result that comes from unhealthy environment in which we live and work every day where our body is exposed to hundreds of pollutants, microorganisms and other particles that attack the cells in our body, and build damage to the cells, and from poor lifestyle habits we practice such as not exercising regularly, not maintaining a healthy weight and having emotional stress which contribute to lowering the number of good or healthy cells in our body. Furthermore, our health is also undermined by other conditions such as metabolic wastes, physical injuries and trauma that stress the cells as well.
Throughout your body wherever the cells are being damaged, the body's defense system will respond in a systemic way known as inflammation which can be defined as a basic way or a basic response in which the body reacts to damage in the forms of infection, irritation or other injury. Inflammation occurs when your cells are suffering a damage, and this happens every day through a direct influence from environment and your daily lifestyle. The damage can arise from bacterial, viral or parasitic infection, trauma, stress, genetic abnormalities, metabolic disorders and a host of other sources. Though you may not see or even feel inflammation, it may be silently burning within your body right now. Certain lifestyle choices can also contribute to inflammation such as poor diet, stress, overweight, a sedentary lifestyle and smoking. Researchers and scientists are now confirming that inflammation plays a vital role in causing many of today's common diseases from allergy and arthritis to heart disease and cancer, there is a long list of illness that have two things in common : they are difficult to get under control, and they can be traced to chronic inflammation.
Chronic inflammation is at the heart of the most feared diseases and prevalent health challenges we face today such as all types of pain, depression, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's Disease and gum disease, and is also considered as the most dominant cause of the signs of aging.
Is chronic inflammation threatening your overall health ?
Inflammation doesn't just happen in your muscles and joints, it also happens everywhere else throughout your body (it affects your brain, heart, mouth & gums, emotional health and researchers believe it encourages cancer growth), wherever your cells are being attacked or stressed. Inflammation is now recognized as a type of nonspecific immune response. When our body's cells are damaged, the inflammatory response immediately moves into action where white blood cells rush to the scene of the damage and begin to destroy the damaged cells, while sending out chemical signals that call for more help. That's when unstable molecules called free radicals are released. Free radicals - now considered key players in many diseases - start to attack the damaged area, destroying some good cells in the process. Each new damage leads to yet another round of inflammation. And so the cycle of inflammation continues, moreover, when more and more inflammation occur in your body, it can lead to chronic inflammation that can spell trouble for immediate area or other areas in your body where inflammation occurs, and overtime, this chronic inflammation can cause real threat to your overall health.
Nopalea : the delicious solution for inflammation problem
Healthy aging can't be realized when unhealthy, chronic inflammation threatens wellness. In a world of disease at this time, inflammation poses arguably the biggest threat to our overall health and quality of life - it now has become the #1 enemy of our lives and seen as the new epicenter of disease, disability and death, and with this inflammatory health challenge, it requires a potent nutritional solution to reduce much further of damaging effects of inflammation in our body and allows it to create a better defense system to fight everyday toxins and negative influences from surrounding environment plus unhealthy lifestyle habits.
Plain and simple, fighting inflammation takes better nutrition, in this case, scientific experts have confirmed that the health and integrity of our immune system is largely dependent on our nutrient intake, and it's essential as well to add a rich multivitamin supplementation as part of our day-to-day activities because it's a key to maximizing supply of crucial micronutrients that responsible to repair damaged cells (often caused by toxic exposure) and create good cells which is powerfully important in fending off persistent inflammation. One type of micronutrients that is vital to reduce the damaging effects of inflammation is antioxidant, you need antioxidants for your body's defense against destructive free radicals, therefore, antioxidants are your guard against sickness, premature aging and disease.
Almost all nutritional supplements don't offer a comprehensive range of antioxidants that can provide abundant of nutritional solutions to many people who suffer from illnesses or health problems that are stemmed from chronic inflammation, and for this reason, it is a huge relief to know that we now have an amazing product like Nopalea because it comes with Bioflavonoids (anti-inflammatory nutrients) of unique variety (in the Quercetin family) that provide the richest concentration of nature's super antioxidants known as Betalains which have superb healing power to heal damaged cells and restore its youthfulness, which explains why this product is a must-have for anyone seeking to achieve greater wellness.
A bioflavonoid is a vitamin-like substance or plant-based compound that has an antioxidant property and the Quercetin-type bioflavonoid gives the Nopal fruit its distinctive bright red color. The Nopal cactus of the Sonoran Desert contains a high concentration of protein-bound Bioflavonoids that allows this plant to not only survive, but thrive in this intense environment. Bioflavonoids are useful in helping us make collagen so our skin looks young and in strengthening blood vessels so we don't easily get injured, they also help us resist allergies and infections from viruses and bacterias. Bioflavonoids of the Quercetin family are referred to as Betalains which, as scientific community has discovered, have a protein structure that is not only beneficial, but it is vital for life ! Numerous studies on antioxidant value of Betalains had helped science open the door of discovery : Betalains exist in 24 different varieties and each one completes a specific need in human health by supplying structure and function to every human cell. Betalains can be used to strengthen the cell wall and also to neutralize toxins by supporting your natural detoxification processes as well as draining away accumulations of toxic waste. In circumstances where toxins accumulate, trauma injures a cell, stress creates tension or nutrient deficiency weakens a cell, chronic inflammation is certain to appear. Betalains serve as anti-inflammatory nutrients to help quench the fire of chronic inflammation. Regardless of where inflammation begins or what process (in the body) it affects, Betalains help reduce the activity of the enzymes known to cause all inflammation. This explains why people with very diverse health concerns find benefits from Betalains : they help reduce inflammation no matter where it exists !
Only specific vegetables : beets, rainbow chard, Nopal cactus, a few weeds and fungi contain Betalains, some of these vegetables have a few Betalains, some desert plants contain a few more, Nopal cactus of the Sonoran Desert is actually the only vegetable that contains all 24 Betalains, this is because the Sonoran Desert is the most extreme desert in the world and a Nopal plant needs all 24 Betalains to survive in this harsh environment. Scientific researches have revealed some crucial functions of Betalain in helping the body replenish its cells, they are for example :
- Relieve all types of pain.
- Improve breathing caused by allergies or asthma.
- Reduce bad cholesterol - Betalains strongly reduce oxidized LDL cholesterol.
- Reducing swelling in joints, muscles and organs.
- Reduce the risk of blood clots - Betalains protect the thin lining of your blood vessels; this helps reduce the inflammation that makes your blood sticky and leads to clots.
- Provide significant protection from toxins that directly affect your liver.
- Protect many types of cell for example brain cells from toxins known to trigger tumors.
- Normalize high blood pressure.
When you drink Nopalea, the superfruit's potent Betalains are entering your body's system and begin a major task to restore your body's vitality at cellular level, the Betalain antioxidants will cleanse the toxins surrounding body's cells, which allows more essential nutrients to reach each cell. As a result, your cells are better fed and energized to repair and replace damaged tissues, and reduce the reactive inflammation - preventing it from becoming chronic and leading to a disease. Working in two vital ways, Nopalea helps your body neutralize harmful toxins surrounding your body's cells and reduce its inflammation to bring optimal cellular health. Some of the key health-giving benefits of Nopalea include :
- Fight illness-causing inflammation.
- Detoxify the body of daily toxins.
- Promote optimal health right down to your cells.
- A daily dose of Nopalea helps protect the body against early aging and from contracting debilitating illnesses in the future.
The main process in series of task performed by Nopalea via Betalain antioxidants to neutralize harmful effects of inflammation is detoxification that helping the body to detoxify itself from irritants, pollutants or other damaging particulates that can accumulate in the joints, muscles and bodily organs including brain, heart and skin which further can cause chronic inflammation and ongoing pain. Detoxification is key to long-term healthy living - as it helps the body heal itself which promotes overall wellness - because eating smart and exercising still leaves your body vulnerable to toxins. Pollution, parasites, pesticides, viruses, germs and endless other toxins are everywhere in our living environment. These invaders live in the air we breathe, the food we eat and even in the water we drink. Toxins can create illness-causing inflammation and put you at risk for chronic disease. See the following diagram of how Nopalea works to maintain healthy cells in your body.

The healing ingredients of Nopalea superfruit drink play a major role in the detoxification process to fend off toxic substances from body's cells and create healthier environment for the body to produce more healthy cells which are paramount to help you experience a buoyant health, when your cells are healthy and free of toxins, your whole body can function at its best. In addition to that, robust cells will enable the body to naturally nourish optimal health inside and out plus strengthen its immunity against aging process and debilitating illnesses.
Nopalea : astonishing bounty from the sonoran desert
There are many positive steps you can take to enhance your health for instance maybe you'll increase your activity level, eat healthier foods, or nurture emotional health (e.g.: build a loving relationship with people around you, or practice gratitude), these are all great ideas, and we would like to add another suggestion for strengthening your health : take Nopalea. This could be the most important step you can take stay fit, sharp and fully-functioning as possible. Everywhere in the world, many millions of people are suffering from multiple varieties of illness and disease in which inflammation plays a major part, there are none of the current pharmaceutical drugs that were specifically developed to treat wide range of inflammatory health conditions completely without creating harmful side effects, but thanks to the bountiful medicinal resources of the Sonoran Desert and the latest breakthrough in science-based therapeutic nutrition, there is now an ultimate solution - inside the 32-ounce bottle of Nopalea - to suppress inflammation to its deepest root and open the door for so many people to experience a buoyant health. Freedom from diseases, illnesses and debilitating conditions is the starting point on the road to a vibrant physical, emotional and spiritual health and well-being.
What's very exciting about Nopalea is how you can reap bountiful health benefits with this just one product because Nopalea offers abundant inflammation-busting nutrients (especially those Betalains) that had shown remarkable results to fully cure a range of inflammatory disorders, infections and diverse types of today's health issue, which many of them are very costly to deal with. The following are diseases and health difficulties that can be treated effectively with Nopalea.
- 1 - All types of pain (abdomen, back, bone, chest, hand, hip, joint, knee, knuckle, muscle, shoulder, wrist)
- 2 - Allergies
- 3 - Arthritis
- 4 - Asthma
- 5 - Brain disorders
- 6 - Degenerative diseases
- 7 - Diabetes
- 8 - Eczema
- 9 - Eye or skin problems
- 10 - Fibromyalgia
- 11 - Headaches
- 12 - Head congestion
- 13 - Heart disease/hardening of the arteries
- 14 - Hernia - disc inflammation
- 15 - High blood pressure
- 16 - High blood sugar (A1C - Glucose)
- 17 - High C-Reactive Protein
- 18 - Insomnia
- 19 - Organ function problems
- 20 - Mental clarity/focus problems
- 21 - Plantar Fasciitis
- 22 - Sinus
- 23 - Spondylolisthesis
- 24 - Stress
- 25 - Swollen feet, leg, neck or spine
- 26 - Tendonitis
Rave reviews : what people are saying about Nopalea

Amazing stories poured in from people across North America and around the world on their first-hand experience taking Nopalea are genuine statements that tell the remarkable works Nopalea had done on people's overall wellness and well-being, and still continue to do. There are full, new excitements going on for Nopalea, you probably had heard Nopalea stories from friends, colleagues or other people, or read about this powerhouse, anti-inflammatory wellness drink in newsprints or on internet, we would like to suggest if you haven't yet tried this delicious wellness drink, read on to find out what a life-changing experience it has been for so many people.
"After taking Nopalea, my legs don't hurt anymore !"
Denise W. - Tampa, FL
"Since I started taking Nopalea, the whole body pain I've had for a year and a half is gone."
Pathrecy B. - Flagstaff, AZ
"The six months of pain in my wrist is gone...I can now lift weights again."
Tina G. - Charlotte, NC
"I have had chronic eczema for a couple of years now. After two days of a one-ounce serving of Nopalea, my eczema cleared up."
Peggy A. - Regina, SK
"I had a freak accident that resulted in extensive hospitalization and chronic pain. After taking Nopalea, the pain has disappeared."
Eric W. - Tampa, FL
"You can't imagine how wonderful it feels to sleep without pain, to not have to take Ibuprofen all day long and to be able to work at my computer without horrible pain. I can only attribute my success to Nopalea."
Victoria S. - Scottsdale, AZ
"It's been two weeks since I started taking Nopalea for my asthma and I am symptom-free."
Dave C. - Imperial Beach, CA
"Since I began taking Nopalea, my allergies and sinus issues have cleared up. I am so jazzed about Nopalea. This was just after two weeks of taking it. WOW ! I feel everyone will benefit."
Jackie M. - St. Louis, MO
"I began taking three ounces of Nopalea a day and less than a month later, I am pain-free ! Never before have I achieved such a dramatic result from using a nutritional product. I am so grateful to have access to Nopalea - I am sold !"
Sabrina G. - Federal Way, WA
"With medication, my blood pressure was 160/96. But just 10 days after starting Nopalea, my blood pressure was 120/75. My doctor reduced my medication, and was quite impressed. I'm thrilled and relieved !"
Laura M. - Lone Butte, BC
"Nopalea was like a miracle for me. After I started it, my five-year problem with swollen feet and legs ended. Then, my asthma got much better. Plus, the tight feeling in my chest went away. Next, my six-month tendonitis problem stopped. And now, even my acid reflux is better. Nothing else has ever worked so well for me."
Billie M. - Charlotte, NC
"I get really bad allergies, and recently, I had a sinus headache for two days and just couldn't shake it, even with medicine. But with Nopalea, within an hour, my sinus headache ended."
Jamie B. - Gilbert, AZ
"After using Sonoran Bloom Nopalea for only one week, I noticed a significant reduction in the back pain I had for a long time. I continued to use the Nopalea product for another few weeks and all of my back pain is gone. I feel like I am 20 years younger."
Mike R. - Lincoln, NE
"I broke my back twice while I was in the Marine Corps. Within the last year I've been to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, neurosurgeon and a pain management specialist. I found out that I have osteoarthritis in my spine and spondylolisthesis, which is a forward slip of one vertebra relative to another. So it is very difficult for me to find a comfortable position, and I am in pain 24/7. After four months of having procedures done, the pain in my back became worse. I took two prescription pain killers and they did not help. I started taking Nopalea in the morning, afternoon and in the evening before bed. Since taking Nopalea, I have completely stopped taking prescription pain killers, and have started running two miles per day. I've noticed a tremendous difference with the Nopalea and absolutely love it ! Thanks."
Aaron M. - Scottsdale, AZ